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I'm a Christan wife and mother who teaches special needs students. I want to seek Him more and share Him in all I do.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


As I write I have an uneasy feeling in my soul. Not sure what is stirring up inside me, but it's that yucky "uh-oh" kind of feeling. Like I have forgotten something or said something I shouldn't have. Don't you just hate when you feel like that??? I do and all I can do is turn to God and ask Him to show me what is the cause of my uneasy feeling. So far God hasn't really spoken. Or maybe I haven't really stopped and listened!

God has been speaking to me a lot in visions and thoughts. He is calling me to lift up big ideas and concerns of His heart in prayer. Let me just say this: I DO NOT like prayer time. I tend to drift off in other thoughts. I have never been able to attend a prayer meeting and feel comfortable. It just hasn't been something I thought I was called to. Some people are great intercessors and I never thought I would be called to it. I do take prayer requests and right then lift it up to the Lord, but to sit and just pray has never been good for me. I do much better when I write down my thoughts and prayers. Anyway the point is God has chosen me to stand in the gap for His people and I hope I can make the change from quick little prayers (mainly when I need God's help) to praying deeper.

So you ask what is on God's heart? The idea that all roads lead to Heaven. We (yes me too) feel like we want to accept everyone and that means accepting what they believe, but the only way to Heaven is through Jesus. Good works, praying to other gods, and being nice is not the way. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the father expect through me."

God is speaking today and He is speaking to me. I pray that I can listen, discern, lift up, and share what God is telling me. Funny how I just up and started a blog one day and now I see why. God had a plan with it all along.

Lord I pray that You bless the reader with blessing beyond his or her understanding of blessings. Please continue to speak to me and help me to be the prayer warrior you would like me to be. Amen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it a full moon?

I left school Friday really confident about this school week. Got to school today and the kids acted like it was the first day of school (which was 2 weeks ago!) We were so off that we had a redo on calendar time.

On a happier note I finished my donors choose project. It is up and waiting to be funded. Here is the link to my project. Feel free to donate! http://www.donorschoose.org/we-teach/936661.-784392197?utm_source=dc&utm_campaign=facebook&utm_medium=tp&utm_content=teacherprojectposted

I would also like to share what I learned at church this week. Our preacher picked out some scriptures and had one person read one a few times in a row asking each of us to focus on what the scripture is saying. It was really neat to see how God spoke to me while listening to the scriptures. I found that the multiple readings really helped me focus more. Daily I seek a quick scripture from some online site and rush through it, but now I think I will slow down and read the scripture a few times before moving on to other things going on in my life.

Hoping God is speaking to you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

What a week!

First week of school was a success. I am super happy to see the MANY blessings God has giving me this year. I have 6 little blessings that are so eager to learn- we'll I'd like to think so. I feel like I have really come into my own this year. I'm not a master teacher by any means, but I feel very qualified this time around.

Justin started teaching this year. He is in high school doing something with math. He is really enjoying it. I think it brings back memories of being a youth minister. Justin loved being used by God to touch the younger generation. Now God is allowing Justin to reach them again in a different capacity.

Liliana is still liking school (day care). She will not tell me any classmates names, but she loves her teachers. She has her first dance/gymnastics class in the morning. I am praying she won't be shy and she will participate.

Like I titled this entry- What a week.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Now where did I leave my brain this time?

Really can anyone help me find my mind??? I could not for the life of me get my log in right for gmail! I sure hope I am ready for tomorrow when those 6 bright eyed little ones look to me to teach them. God help me to be ready and 100% tomorrow. I am still in shock that school is starting back. Liliana went back to daycare today and didn't even look back at me as she walked into her classroom. 

Today's scripture on Crosswalk.com was  My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight (Prov. 3:21).  The Bible is full of great literary devices like in this verse with turning ideas into objects you can see. I am reminded that I need to seek discernment with all my decisions and that I need to have sound judgement. How do I do this? Last night Justin and I watched an episode of House where the youngest doctor on the team would wake up and immediately begin to recite medical terms and diagnosis. I turned to Justin and asked him how I could be that disciplined with waking up and talking to God or recalling scriptures. Then this scripture I read today talks about keeping sound judgement and discernment in my sight. My prayer today is that the Lord puts in my heart the desire to come to Him for all decisions and obstacles in our lives. As well as that I teach Liliana to do just what this scripture says. 

Praying you are blessed by my ramblings.