About Me

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I'm a Christan wife and mother who teaches special needs students. I want to seek Him more and share Him in all I do.

Monday, November 21, 2011


God is so good! He has truly shown Himself in so many ways. I love how He is speaking to me and sharing so much that I cannot contain myself. The last few weeks I have been off kilter and now I feel a renewal in my spirit. I have a long way to go, but the beginnings are here. Praise God! New things are coming and I am ready.

We are still dealing with Justin's health issues. Tests are still being run and we will continue to wait for answers. Justin is still managing to teach and keep up with his classes as well as he can. He is enjoying teaching, but hating all the papers he has to grade.

I still love my job and I know God has placed me right where I am suppose to be. I love the planning and finding new and fun activities for my students to do. Now if I can just get all my kiddos to be on the same page as me things will be even better! I am blessed to be able to work with great teachers and staff.

What else is going on in my world? Lili is still trying me as much as she can. In fact hew newest thing is to tell me she doesn't want what WE have picked out and when I give her what she tells me she really wanted and then after we change it up she cries this isn't what I wanted. Yes I know she is acting just like I did when I was little, but it is so hard! Along with this if I do not do what she wanted or give her what she asked she tells me she will be sad. I just tell her it's okay for her to be sad sometimes. I love that girl. She is a heart melter.

It is turkey time so here is what I am thankful for: My life. . . as crazy as it is it is what God has given me. I pray I am using it for His glory.

Be blessed!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


It's 6 in the morning and I've already been up for an hour on a day that I don't have to be up this early. This week God has been speaking to me in my thoughts along with the devil. I've spent a lot of time in negativity, I have not let go and let God, I have judged myself, and I have been selfish. I have learned a lot this week in how I have asked God for forgiveness and yet I continue to repeat the sin. Thankfully God reminds me of His grace and how He knew I meant the "I'm sorry" then, but I did not have a heart change. Lord I hope this week has encouraged me to have a heart change.

Last week I talked about the Thin Places in church. Here is the information Soul Fuel.
The Celtic Christians redefined “thin place” as a location that give us an opening into the magnificence and wonder of Jesus Christ. A thin place is where the veil that separates heaven and earth is lifted and one is able to receive a glimpse of the glory of God. When we accepted Christ we became a "thin place" and we can bring God to others just by walking in the room. I mention this because I did not listen to what I shared in Sunday school. Instead I complained and let negativity follow me all week.

This week I pray that I can be a light for others and bring about the love of God as I communicate and be with my family, friends, and co-workers.

On other notes: Liliana is a super girl who brings joy to my heart. She is growing up to fast. She is learning and discovering who she is in the Lord. I feel blessed that God allows Justin and me to help raise her.

Justin is still dealing with some health issues. We have sought the doctors help and yet no answers have come. He goes back to the doctor Monday for more tests. Please pray the doctors find an answer and a way to help him.

Blessings to you this week!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My life scripture

Like I said yesterday God has been sharing with me some pretty cool things. I would like to discuss my life scripture. John 14:1-3 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Comforts His Disciples
 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
The first time I truly listened to these verses was when I was in my second year of college and working with a local youth group. The group had chosen the scripture John 14:1 as the groups motto so to speak. They even had a shirt with 141 on it and named the youth group 141. From this came a song written by a church member expressing John 14:1-3. I was amazed at the idea that there is a wonderful house being built just for me! Not only that, but also Jesus Himself is coming back to show us the way. WOW! 
Now I use this scripture all the time to comfort others and to teach others about what is to come. Lili often talks about her new house in Heaven. Nothing big to me these past years. It's just really good scripture that I carry with me. 

Back to now time: Justin had to attend a special church service for one of his classes. We went to the IHOP Macon. At the Sunday night meeting I was very distracted trying to contain Lili and pay attention. When the preacher shared some wonderful things about Heaven and our new home. As I was listening and praying God spoke to me (like a voice in my head) letting me in on His secret of placing these verses on my heart. WHAT? Yep that's what I was thinking what??? I am not sure how to really explain all this, but I will try. God has placed on my heart a yearning for to be with Him in the house that Jesus is preparing right now. This house is going to be grand with many rooms. And Jesus said it and that means it's for real because Jesus doesn't lie. So what does it mean to be my life scripture. I am not 100% sure. It is what God wants me to share with others. 

Where do I go now? I plan on researching these verses both with scripture and history. I plan on seeking God for more revelation about His meaning behind what Jesus was speaking to us. I plan on seeking God to show me what He wants me to do now. I also pray that God leads people to me so that I can share what God has placed on my heart. 

Please be in prayer with me as I begin this new journey. 

P.S. journey is something else I will share in the next few days!

Friday, November 4, 2011


So here's the deal God is amazing and I just need to share it with the world.

I have never felt more full in my life and I cannot tell you what I am full of. I am content. Happy with how I am doing in the classroom. I am so in love with my family and I could not ask for a better man of God to share my life with. I am complete in Him.

What has God been showing me??? I don't know that I could list it all in the time I have right now. See God gave me my own language to speak to Him. He showed me my life scripture and told me that I'm on a journey that will lead me to where He wants me!

I will go into detail about each in other blogs! May God bless you today!