Like I said yesterday God has been sharing with me some pretty cool things. I would like to discuss my life scripture. John 14:1-3 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Comforts His Disciples
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.The first time I truly listened to these verses was when I was in my second year of college and working with a local youth group. The group had chosen the scripture John 14:1 as the groups motto so to speak. They even had a shirt with 141 on it and named the youth group 141. From this came a song written by a church member expressing John 14:1-3. I was amazed at the idea that there is a wonderful house being built just for me! Not only that, but also Jesus Himself is coming back to show us the way. WOW!
Now I use this scripture all the time to comfort others and to teach others about what is to come. Lili often talks about her new house in Heaven. Nothing big to me these past years. It's just really good scripture that I carry with me.
Back to now time: Justin had to attend a special church service for one of his classes. We went to the IHOP Macon. At the Sunday night meeting I was very distracted trying to contain Lili and pay attention. When the preacher shared some wonderful things about Heaven and our new home. As I was listening and praying God spoke to me (like a voice in my head) letting me in on His secret of placing these verses on my heart. WHAT? Yep that's what I was thinking what??? I am not sure how to really explain all this, but I will try. God has placed on my heart a yearning for to be with Him in the house that Jesus is preparing right now. This house is going to be grand with many rooms. And Jesus said it and that means it's for real because Jesus doesn't lie. So what does it mean to be my life scripture. I am not 100% sure. It is what God wants me to share with others.
Where do I go now? I plan on researching these verses both with scripture and history. I plan on seeking God for more revelation about His meaning behind what Jesus was speaking to us. I plan on seeking God to show me what He wants me to do now. I also pray that God leads people to me so that I can share what God has placed on my heart.
Please be in prayer with me as I begin this new journey.
P.S. journey is something else I will share in the next few days!
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